Drinko de Mayo
Alternatively titled: (My) Kids are Gross
¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo, friends! Who plans on drinking heavy amounts of alcohol tonight and sauntering around in a sombrero?! Oh.. No one.. Most of us are moms, huh?
In my earlier years, I was quite the social drinker. Now, as a mom, I’m mostly a stay at home closet alcoholic. And don’t lie, if you don’t drink daily, then your kids are either not old enough to cause you liver damage, or you’re handling this parenting thing much better than I am!
Right around 11am yesterday, I reached the point in the day where the wine bottle on the counter was calling my name. After dropping Adri off at preschool, I spent nearly two hours with Veronica (and Juli) in the acute care clinic here on base to get a diagnosis and drugs for the creature growing in Veronica’s nose.
Turns out it was impetigo, a skin infection that causes blisters and sores on the face. I’ll spare you the photos.
Side note: I had never even heard of half of the nasty illnesses that my kids have contracted in their short lives until they started contracting them!
Anyway.. After preschool pick ups and lunches and trips to stores and cleaning up the poop of a child who is old enough to know better were complete, it felt it was acceptable to pour something strong into my glass. It was 4:30, after all! Enter the Mojito..
Mojitos are my jam, so I’ll probably be celebrating the entire month of May with my choice drink in my hand. The month starts off with my anniversary, ends with my birthday, and has Mother’s Day thrown in there, so I claim it as my own and have dubbed the Mojito, the official drink of the month. Sorry, margaritas!
I took to Pinterest, to get an approximate proportion of ingredients, but was sadly disappointed by the shocking amount of imposters. People, a Mojito is not made with simple syrup! I’m Cuban, I would know!
So, I took the liberty to experiment a little, and came up with a version that I think would make Miami proud.
Classic Mojito

- 1.5 tablespoons White sugar
- 10 fresh Mint leaves
- 1/2 Lime, sliced into wedges
- Ice
- 2 ounces White rum
- Club soda
- Pour sugar, mint, and lime wedges into the bottom of a glass. Use a muddler to squeeze the juice out of the lime wedges, and muddle the mint leaves and sugar together.
- Top with a generous amount of ice.
- Pour in rum, then top off with club soda. Stir if desired, and enjoy!