Things That Bug Me

Oh what a weekend it was! Originally, John and I had planned on binging on House of Cards all weekend, but the girls and I were hit with a stomach bug. So, the freezer still sits stocked with the Ben & Jerry’s that John didn’t eat, the wine bottles are still full in the wine rack, and I can’t chat with my brother about season 4.

Things that bug me:
  • Throwing up after eating my fave homemade mac & cheese recipe. I can no longer stand to look at the leftovers in the fridge. The recipe makes a huge batch, so I was planning on having it for lunch over the weekend, but just thinking about it makes me gag.
  • Feeling like a Snapchat filter with rainbows spewing out of my mouth. Only they weren’t rainbows, and I didn’t have cute rosy cheeks.
  • Not having cleaning bedding to sleep on. The girls threw up in their bed, so they came to sleep with me in mine. Until they threw up in my bed as well. And then it was off to the guest bedroom, where V didn’t make it to the bathroom quickly enough. She just barely got some on the bottom of the comforter. When laundry doesn’t wash quickly enough and you’re exhausted, a little mess isn’t going to keep me from sleeping.
  • Not being given adequate notice. There was a sorority event yesterday that the alums were invited to. Originally, I was told 1:00-5:00pm. Well, I got there about 1:30, and it was already wrapping up. Turns out when I checked my email after the event, that the time had changed to 11:00-2:00pm. The email with the time change was sent at 11:30. 😑
  • People who don’t show up to FRG meetings, then complain. I get it. Not everyone has time for the meetings. Or the interest to be there. But if you don’t want to participate, you don’t get to complain about how much we suck. Believe me, we try, and are happy to hear any and all suggestions and recommendations for how you think the program needs to be improved. I’m talking to you keyboard warriors..
  • Parallel parking.
  • Springing forward. Although, I just remembered that we don’t do that here. We will be back to being 6 hours behind most of our family and friends though.
Annnd because I can’t just be a negative Nancy, here are a few things that don’t bug me:
  • My awesome husband that did more in the few hours that he was home with Ju than I can manage to get done in a normal day. Laundry washed and folded. Dishes washed and put away. Floors vacuumed.
  • Spending an afternoon with my girls and indoctrinating them into sorority life. Gotta start ’em young!
  • Getting great parking spots.
  • Waking up actually feeling rested.
  • Having amazing friends.
  • Sleeping in clean bed sheets!
Clearly, so excited

How was everyone’s weekend?