The Honolulu Zoo

For as long as I can remember, going to the zoo has been a favorite activity of mine. It was almost John and I’s first date, except they were closed when we got there. We’ve toured a couple of zoos in the areas where we’ve been stationed, and this weekend we went to the Honolulu Zoo.

honolulu zoo entrance

It was my second time there with Veronica and Adri, who have also been once with my parents. It was the first time for John and Juliana. Juli is an animal lover, like her mama, so seeing her excited reactions to each new animal we came across was fun!

petting goats at the honolulu zoo

What I love about the Honolulu Zoo is that it’s small, but has plenty to see. Unlike the zoo in Miami, which is close to four miles of walking and spaced out animals, most of the exhibits at the Honolulu Zoo aren’t too spaced from one another. There’s also plenty of shade provided by trees, unlike Miami, where you walk around in the blazing sun.

honolulu zoo giraffes

This time around, we made it through in just about three hours. That was at a leisurely pace, but we definitely could have made it through much quicker or taken more time if we wanted to. The girls spent a good chunk of time playing at the Keiki Zoo petting goats and pretending to milk a cow.

The first time I visited the Honolulu Zoo, I wasn’t expecting to see a huge variety of animals, since Hawaii usually gets jipped when it comes to cool stuff like that. Surprisingly though, they have everything from lions, to elephants, to reptiles, to birds. Definitely plenty to see! Most of the animals are pretty active as well, which was nice!

honolulu zoo chimps
How cute is the baby?!

I can safely say that the Honolulu Zoo has been one of my favorite zoos so far!
honolulu zoo flamingo

Do you enjoy trips to the zoo?