My Newest Social Media Addiction

I know last week I said the weekend wasn’t complete without a weekend recap, but this recap is going to have to wait. Instead I have to tell you about my latest social media discovery! I’m sure many of you have heard about Periscope. It’s a new type of social media where you share live broadcasts. At first I  thought it sounded lame, but after giving it a try this weekend, I’m hooked!

When Instagram first came out, I was super against it. I mean, what did I need it for if I already had Facebook to share my photos. Well,  three years later, and I’m an Instragram addict. Plus, it’s become a huge platform for brands and sharing! Because of that, I promised myself that I’d jump on whatever new platform that would happen to inevitably be created. Enter Periscope.

Over the weekend I was able to share some clips from the luau we attended as well as a video from the beach, where we watched airplanes take off. Last night I sat and watched videos from all over the world. I think my favorite part of this app is that it gives you a map of the world and you’re able to explore countries that you’ve never before visited.

GUYS! I watched a bunch of baby koalas and kangaroos! Live, in real-time. If that’s not enough to convince you to download the app, I don’t know what is!

Now, I’m sure there are a bunch of creeps out there


I spent an ample amount of time also creeping the homeland (Miami), but there really is never as interesting as what’s going on in other parts of the world.

Are you on Periscope? Follow me @munchkinsandmilitary!